Physicians’ Trust in Health Systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria

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Dabota Yvonne Buowari
Nana Awaya Emeribe
Vivian Ifeoma Ogbonna
Evonemo Susan Esievoadje
Chioma Laura Odimegwu
Ogechukwu Mary-Anne Isokariari
Mary Oluwakemisola Agoyi
Omoadoni D. Emeagui
Aminat Oluwabukola Jimoh


BACKGROUND: Trust in health systems is important in the practice of medicine and medical research. Healthcare workers including physicians need to have trust in healthcare systems during this COVID‑19 pandemic.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: This is a cross‑sectional study conducted in Nigeria among physicians practicing in Nigeria. The questionnaire used for this study was adapted from the World Health Organization Blue Print Novel Coronavirus Perceptions of healthcare workers regarding local infection prevention and control procedures for a COVID‑19 research protocol. Participants were 
recruited online.

RESULTS: The number of participants in this study was 302, with 195 (64.6%) being females. There was no statistical relationship between the socio‑demographic data and trust in health facilities (P < 0.05). There was a significant relationship between trust in the health facility and the provision of clear accessible policies and protocols with regard to infection prevention and control, personal protective equipment and support (P = 0.003). There was no relationship between trust in health facilities and location of health facility, job role or gender.

CONCLUSION: Clear accessible communication on policies and protocols, as well as the provision of personal protective equipment and support, would contribute greatly to trust in health facilities and the health system and can help curb the COVID‑19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Buowari, D. Y., Emeribe, N. A., Ogbonna, V. I., Esievoadje, E. S., Odimegwu, C. L., Isokariari, O. M.-A., Agoyi, M. O., Emeagui, O. D., & Jimoh, A. O. (2022). Physicians’ Trust in Health Systems during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria. Journal of The Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria, 6(2), 129-135.
Original Article


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