Attempted Intimate Partner Homicide: Case Series and Experience in a Nigerian Suburban Hospital

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Andrew Akarutu Okomayin
Quincy O. Aigbonoga
Eghosa Morgan
Esteem Tagar
Clement Odion
Oluwafemi O. Awe
Andrew E. Dongo


Intimate partner homicide – an increasingly global, mental and public health issue with enormous social and economic consequences – is widely unreported and undocumented in Nigeria. This article eports attempted homicides managed in Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital within 2 years. It aims to arouse public interest to stimulate the enactment of protective policies for vulnerable victims who
are mostly women.


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How to Cite
Okomayin, A. A., Aigbonoga, Q. O., Morgan, E., Tagar, E., Odion, C., Awe, O. O., & Dongo, A. E. (2022). Attempted Intimate Partner Homicide: Case Series and Experience in a Nigerian Suburban Hospital. Journal of The Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria, 6(2), 136-140.
Case Report


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